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Old Testament Music

Old Testament Music

The Old Testament, a book of old,
A story of faith, of tales untold.
A collection of poetry, wisdom, and law,
A testament to God, without a flaw. From Job's trials to David's Psalms,
The words of the prophets, like soothing balms.
Ecclesiastes' musings on life and death,
And Song of Solomon's passionate breath. Lamentations' sorrow, Proverbs' advice,
The Old Testament's words, both stern and nice.
A guide for the faithful, a source of light,
A book of wisdom, shining bright. So let us read and learn from its pages,
The Old Testament's wisdom, through the ages.
For in its words, we find hope and grace,
A testament to God's love and embrace.

Christobeth 4/12/2023